Life at RECSOM
Spiritual Renewal
At RECSOM, our training philosophy includes commitment to our spiritual renewal and communion among students and members of staff on regular basis. We are committed to daily morning devotions and a variety of activities in which the students are encouraged to play active roles. Full time students are also part of weekly discipleship groups, and we further encourage those students to be a part of a local church, and serve that community while undergoing their training with us.

Ministerial Aspirations
The uniqueness of our institution is that we understand and appreciate the ministerial aspirations of our students and the needs of the Church today. At RECSOM we offer education that is accessible to students with a wide range of educational backgrounds, professions, and personal circumstances. Many will be mature students, many will be employed and therefore studying part time, many will be in active ministry, while others will be pursuing the programme as full time students..
Family Values
Students are encouraged to express themselves in a decent manner that gives consideration to the opinions of others, thereby enabling equal opportunities. Cordial relationships and interactions amongst students, lecturers and the examples of practical Christianity which we encourage gives added value to life at RECSOM. At RECSOM students, lecturers and administrative staff are part of a large family.