Training Christians as Missionaries
At RECSOM, our training philosophy includes commitment to our spiritual renewal and communion among students and members of staff on regular basis. We are committed to daily morning devotions and a variety of activities in which the students are encouraged to play active roles. Full time students are also part of weekly discipleship groups, and we further encourage those students to be a part of a local church, and serve that community while undergoing their training with us.

Message from the General Overseer Redeemed Christian Church of God
Pastor E.A. Adeboye
It is with gratitude to the almighty God that I welcome you to this year’s graduation of the Redeemed Christian School of Mission (RECSOM). To God be the glory for another successful year of theological education in missions.
Not minding the various challenges that you have gone through as students; I rejoice and celebrate with you on the successful completion of your missionary training program.
It is my wish and prayer that you will all find fulfilment as you obey the great commandment of our Lord Jesus to go unto the world telling them about salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and reconciling men and women of all tribes unto our heavenly father through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior.
I will also like to seize this opportunity to thank the lecturers and staff of RECSOM for their commitment and dedication that ensures the fulfilment of the objectives for setting up the school.
It was in 2014 that I instructed that a school of mission be established, and I am pleased that we have not only set up the school despite your challenges but have also established campuses in mainland Europe during the current academic session.
The task ahead is still enormous, but I believe that with your commitment God will make it easier, even as I prayer that you shall succeed in establishing more schools across Europe going forward in Jesus name.
As grandaunts, please ensure you employ every knowledge you have acquired and with dependence on the Holy Spirt, you shall surely be a successful missionary or missionary pastor.
Having regard to the challenges facing the school, I shall do my best with my continued support such that you have the necessary resources to enable you achieve more even as we seek to spread the good news of the gospel throughout Europe and beyond in Jesus name.
Again, I celebrate your successes and pray that the Lord will continue to find you useful even as He anoints you for greater success and glory in Jesus name.

Message from the Chairman Board of Governors RECSOM
Pastor Joel Oke
This year marks the fifth year of the establishment of RECSOM and it gives me pleasure that the school has come to be despite their challenges.
It is therefore with great pleasure that I thank God for the school’s achievements as I also rejoice with the school’s students and management on this joyous occasion.
On behalf of all members of the Board of Governors I congratulate the graduating students and wish you every success in your future missionary endeavors in Jesus name.
Please be assured that the Lord who has called you is more than able to grant you the anointing and support to succeed if you stay close to Him.
The journey of your ministry has just begun and as you have been equipped through your missionary training, may I encourage you to stay close to the Lord for instructions and His leading as you carry on in your ministry as missionaries.
God bless you all.

Message from the Head of School RECSOM UK & Europe
Bro Cornelius Babatunde Alalade
This year marks the fifth year of the establishment of RECSOM and it gives me pleasure that the school has come to be despite their challenges.
It is therefore with great pleasure that I thank God for the school’s achievements as I also rejoice with the school’s students and management on this joyous occasion.
On behalf of all members of the Board of Governors I congratulate the graduating students and wish you every success in your future missionary endeavors in Jesus name.
Please be assured that the Lord who has called you is more than able to grant you the anointing and support to succeed if you stay close to Him.
The journey of your ministry has just begun and as you have been equipped through your missionary training, may I encourage you to stay close to the Lord for instructions and His leading as you carry on in your ministry as missionaries.
God bless you all.