Young Missionaries Summer School
The RECSOM Young Missionaries Summer School (YMSS) was set up in partnership with Youth-with-a-Mission (YWAM) to prepare our young people to extend the work of the Church mission to their schools, colleges and work places. YWAM is an 85year old UK mission agency that trains and sends missionaries worldwide.
Our vision is to equip the younger generation that has been sandwiched between two or more cultures, to reach out in the language that is peculiar to their wider networks of friends and associates.

During their one week residential program which is held annually on the last week of July, their program of activities include:
- Street Evangelism
- Community Clean-up Projects
- Based Teachings
- Networking to make new friends &Games
- Meetings and Bonfire Night

Since the YMSS commenced in 2015, we have trained over 60 young people, many of which have gone on to head Christian Unions in their respective Universities .
Some are actively involved in other Christian witness ministries in Universities, as well as at various work places while others seeking to further develop their mission training and awareness as full time missionaries in future.
We have seen about 25% of students returning each year for more training with another 25% signing up to volunteer with YMSS activities.
The next three phases of YMSS will involve:
· Short-term (9-12 months): a mission trip to a foreign nation working specifically with refugees,
· Medium-term (1-2 years): the commissioning of a structured syllabus for Young Missionaries training.
· Long-term (3-5 years): the development and submission of a Youth Missions curriculum for endorsement, verification and certification by QCF awarding bodies
Among others, a key objective of above programs is to avail our young Christians the opportunity to know and serve the Lord earlier in their life and therefore be positioned to bring their peers unto the Lord.